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Monday 20 April 2015

Side dish - Cipollini & Grelot potatoes

We find an array of main dishes, sometimes we just need some ideas on side dishes. You don't have to complicate things, the simpler the better... KISS; Keep It Simple S... 

I make a lot of protein, and this little side dish works with almost any of them.. Poultry, Duck, Red meat or even fish! Cipollini is a sweet little onion, simple to cook and goes very well with little potatoes called Grelot. You can find those in purple, white or red shades. The small size goes hand in hand with the Cipollini size, thus they cook at the same time and they marry well in taste. In addition they taste magnificent caramelized. 

Yields 2-4 people
Prep time 5 minutes
cook time 1h to 1:30h

Preheat oven to 375 degrees f.

1 to 1 1/2 cup Grelot potatoes (depending how much you want to serve and/or potato size pref. smallest)
4-6 cipollini peeled 
1 large garlic clove chopped thick
2 scallion (green long onion) chopped finely
1/2 cup broth
1 tbsp EVOO
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Black pepper

1. Carefully poke the potatoes with a knife, around a few times. Peel the cipollini, chop the garlic and scallion, set aside.

*: sometimes cipollini are tricky to peel as the skin is thin. It can help to peel under water. Dry them if so, as the water sparks up in oil.

2. In a frypan, heat EVOO on high heat and gently add the potatoes, cipollini, garlic and sprinkle salt/pepper. Once cipollini is seared on both sides, add the broth and place the frypan in the oven, for 45 minutes. 

**: Make sure your frypan handle is metal. If plastic or not certain the material, cover complete handle with aluminum foil, to prevent melting.

3. Once 45 minutes elapses, verify tenderness of potatoes, it may vary depending on the size of the potatoes. 

4. Once done to your liking, remove and place in a bowl. Sprinkle the scallions and toss. If needed, sprinkle a dash of EVOO and salt/pepper.

NOTE: You can add any vegetable to this side, obviously there is no limit. Manage the cooking time accordingly, tender veggies add at the end such as zucchinis, other harder veggies such as carrots add at the early stages. 


T @stuffedfaces

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