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Wednesday 11 March 2015

Turkey Burger madness

Is there anything better than a burger? Not to me.. well at least not that day.. or should I say all the best things are on a burger thus it makes it irresistible... This one, a little different than any other, or at least to me it is since I just looked at what I had in the fridge and put it together. Turkey, Bacon, caramelized onions and mushrooms in balsamic vinegar and maple syrup, topped with fresh avocado, Monterrey jack cheese and crispy bacon.

I didn't write down the ingredients to the tee, but it's quite simple. The best technique is finishing it in the oven on its bun. If you think about it, the ingredients just met.. You have to let them mingle so they get to assemble and make a petition in your mouth. So here's the recipe, it's off the top of my head so don't hold me accountable..

- About 1 lb minced turkey
- 1 minced garlic clove
- 1 egg
- 1 slice of white bread no crust in a bowl with approx 50ml milk. drench the bread and toss in the meat mixture. (not necessary but great for moisture)
- Salt/Pepper about 1/2 tsp
- 1/4 tsp chili flakes
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves

Mix with hands, because that's only way to cook... make large tennis balls but not too tight. leave some air if not they will be too dense.

Caramelized onions with mushrooms
- 1 Onion thin slivers
- 1 cup chopped Mushrooms in slivers
- 1 tsp butter
- 1/2 tsp EVOO
- 1/4 tsp Maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
- Salt/Pepper

In a nonstick pan, melt butter at high intensity, pour in the EVOO (prevents from burning the butter) and when it's sizzly throw in the onions (only when sizzly, if not the the oil isn't hot enough and you get soaked onions instead of sauteed). Cook for about 1 min until slightly transparent (my grandmother always added a drop of water to the onions to helps soften them and get transparent.. it works but VERY little..Then throw in the mushrooms. Once it looks absorbed, throw in the Vinegar and maple syrup. Lower heat to Minimum, sprinkle salt/pepper and cover for about 5 minutes, then remove and let stand.

Get the rest:
Get remaining ingredients.. prep to assemble at the last minute

- Avocado in thick slivers
- Kaiser buns
- Bacon (cook them but not crispy.. so they crisp up at the end)
- Monterrey jack cheese
- Mayonnaise (only condiment for me)

Get it together!!
Preheat over 400c..

In a non stick skillet, or cast iron preferably, heat on stove top dry "no oil" till starts to smoke ( a little, don't set the house on fire..). If you have a meat press, keep it handy, if not I tend to use a casserole lid (smaller than your skillet).

Put a dash of EVOO and immediately put the burger bun and gently press down while sizzling. Once all in, you can put the lid or press (make sure it covers the meat only and not the whole skillet, to prevent from "boiling the meat vs searing it".

Sear each side nicely but not overcooked, about 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove and assemble..
Start with the bottom bun, slather mayonnaise and place it on the skillet (slightly cleaned but not spick and span.. leave some of the meat taste), place meat, avocado slices, onions/mushrooms, Monterrey jack then the bacon (keep it on top... keep it crispy).

Place the assembled burgers without top bun in the oven for about 3-4 minutes.. You'll know when it's ready. Give the cheese a chance to melt. few minutes before you take it out, place the top buns in the skillet to crisp up. You can put butter or garlic butter before so, but I think we have enough calories on this one.

I think you get the rest.. Enjoy and hope you loved it!

T Stuffed Faces