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Sunday 22 March 2015

Homemade Twisted Crispy Bacon Egg McMuffin

There is nothing that can beat a good breakfast on a Sunday morning.. To switch up the basics, this little sandwich with a twist will surely bring you much happiness. So for this Sunday morning, i'll simply introduce you to our "Homemade Twisted Crispy Bacon Egg McMuffin". Now, to have this one right, don't skip the important steps like microwaving your bacon etc.. during the week if you're in a rush that is somewhat acceptable, but on a Sunday, you should find that time. 

What you'll need
Old cheddar cheese
English Muffin
Sriracha sauce
Lettuce (Preferably arugula or mâche)

First Off BACON:

Set your oven at 395 degrees f. Using a flat cast iron frying pan preferably, or non stick fry-pan, lay your bacon flat (you can squeeze them slightly, they won't stick, but will shrink) Put in the oven on the center rack, approx 15-20 minutes. At 15 minutes, verify and you can spread them if needed before they are finished. You can then lay them flat to crisp up. Once do to your crispiness, remove and set on a plate covered with paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Remember, bacon is actually good protein and no saturated fats so don't feel guilty!

Following... EGGS

I always fry my eggs with a dash of EVOO. Make sure the oil is nice and hot, not burning, before you crack
your eggs. That way you will get a nice crispy edge with a moist egg. The impact of the heated oil also avoid sticking. In the meantime, toast you English muffins, slightly butter the bread and set aside (Since your oven is still warm from the bacon, you can put them in to keep warm if making a lot.)

When making an egg sandwich, I like to have some gooeyness but manageable... Before you flip, add a dash of salt/pepper then flip your eggs and poke the yolk. let cook for a few seconds and remove from heat. That way, you can still enjoy the goodness of the yolk without getting drenched! If you don't like any liquid yolk, cook through and remove.

Almost there...

Have everything around you, once you start assembling, it's much easier if all is cut, prepped and ready to get stacked! 

On one side of the English muffin, spread a light amount of mayonnaise and on the other, the twist... sriracha sauce... I know it sounds weird but trust me.. you will flip out how good this is! Basically I can't eat my McMuffin without it ;)

On one bread, lay your cheese, egg over it, bacon then finish with lettuce and cover with other bread. And there you have it, my ultimate favorite McMuffin.. Sure beats fast food ones!


T @stuffedfaces

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