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Monday 30 March 2015

Duck Leg Fajita

I don't know how else to describe this than OMG! I know there are many ways to make fajitas, some simple, some more complicated, but I can definitely say if you want it to stand out, be unique and absolutely delicious, than you definitely have to make the effort and try this one out!

There is one major process and that is the Duck leg. It is lengthily in time, somewhat similar to a pulled pork or any braised meat, but apart from that it's quite simple. 

Remember, you can alter some of the ingredients and this gives you a guide as to how to make it, and again i'm sure there are possibly easier or better ways, but this worked to a charm. If I find a better version, I'll make sure to share it. But for now, here it is.

For all the sides, as I like to complicate my life and make things different but homey, I have made from scratch every component except growing my own vegetables, thus I'll start with one and you can try to make the others or buy them ready.. up to you!

For the duck, I purchase my legs frozen at the Asian market. Most grocery stores will sell you Duck confit legs at 14,99$ if not more the leg, which is not what you need for this recipe. I purchase high quality frozen airtight large legs, 3 in a pack for 11$.

Most might ask, Why Duck? It's a delicious, tasty and very nutritious meat. It offers high protein intake, minerals and much more. Read more and eat Duck .

I've had the privilege to learn and tasted the different angles of Duck as my dear man, Chris, has been importing Duck from France for over 6 years and knows much about it. Therefore I hope I'll get more Duck lovers to join!
Feel free to ask any questions regarding any Duck form... I'll get you the answer :)

Fact: While duck is poultry, it is very different from chicken and turkey, because it's a red meat. There is no white meat on duck. This means that a well-prepared duck breast eats more like steak than chicken and is slightly pink in the center when properly cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F. Unlike other red meats, however, duck is very lean and low in saturated fat; therefore, better for you.

Ingredients for Duck
2-4 people 
Approx 3 to 3 1/2 hours total
Preheat oven at 450 degrees f

3 Duck legs thawed (Keep in the airtight package thawing in the fridge)
1 tsp Coriander seeds 
1 tsp Black whole pepper 
1 tsp Curcuma powder (or Turmeric if you don't have) 
1 tsp All spice powder or whole
1 tsp Salt 
3 Garlic cloves rough chop 
1 Onion chopped in 8
250ml broth preferably homemade or low sodium ready 
250ml orange juice 

Let's start:
In a mortar and pestel, preferably stone, grind all dry ingredients, keeping garlic to the end. Once all spices are ground, throw in the roughly chopped garlic and create a thick paste form. Unlike chicken, don't separate the skin from the Duck, rub the mixture all around and place skin up in a baking dish about 2 inch deep minimum, and place the onion chunks around the duck. (try using a smaller baking dish, squeezing the duck, but still flat)

NOTE: Weather you eat the skin or not, it is always recommended to cook your poultry or most other meat for that matter with its skin, as it holds most of the goodness. You can discard if you prefer afterwards. 
Place in the oven, center rack uncovered for approx 20 minutes. Remove from oven and lower oven to 300 degrees f. Gently pour broth and orange juice, half/half, around at the base of the Duck till you reach the skin. Do not cover the skin with broth as the skin is one of its best components when crispy. Cover with aluminum and cover if the baking dish has, creates a tighter air trap and moistens the meat very well. Place back center rack in the oven for about 2 1/2 hours. Preferably, don't remove from oven till about 2 hours to keep the steam in. The meat should come off quite easily from the bone. Remember, the texture is not like chicken, therefore it won't be falling off the bone as much as you'd expect, but it's quite tender to the mouth! When the duck legs have been Confit, the texture is juicer as the technique cooks the confit leg in duck fat… You get why it's more tender… 
While cooking, prep your other ingredients. Here is what I used;

Ingredients for "props" 
Tortilla bread (I made mine, you can buy ready made in various sorts, corn, flour etc.)
Homemade salsa 
Green onion in julienne 
Sour cream 
Avocado slices 

Ingredients for Homemade salsa 
2 Tomatoes 
1 small onion
1/2 cup loose fresh coriander 
1 lime  
Salt/Pepper to taste 
1 tbsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1 to 2 jalapeños depending the spicy level you like 

Dice tomatoes, onion in small cubes and toss in a bowl. Chop coriander and jalapeño, add to vegetables. Squeeze lime, add seasoning and EVOO and taste. Cover and keep in fridge till ready to eat. 

Ready to eat:

Remove Duck from oven once ready and let stand for a few minutes. Shred the meat with forks into a bowl and add some of the sauce to keep it moist. 

Set your table with all ingredients except Tortilla breads. Set a skillet on med/high heat, drizzle a little EVOO and with a paper bowl, spread the oil around the pan. Place a tortilla bread, ready made as well, and pan heat less than 1 minute each side. Remove the bread once golden and puffy, and spread the same paper towel with remaining oil for the next bread. This technique definitely gives it a better crunch to your tortilla.

Enjoy and love to read your comments

T @stuffedfaces 

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Classic simple Tomato Sauce


A good pasta sauce doesn't have to be complicated, and should definitely be homemade. There are many ways you can prepare a nice pasta sauce, some lengthily and some quick. Regardless, a good plate of pasta is always enjoyed... After all, pasta is one of those meals everyone loves.. Whether made of eggs, Quinoa, vegetable or Gluten free, pasta has been offered in various forms to suit all kinds, as it's inevitably a great comfort food we all need in our lives.

I tend to prepare my sauce ahead of time and freeze them in glass mason jars. When my daughter was much younger, I had no time to come back from work, tend to my baby and cook a homemade dinner, thus a plate of pasta was most likely in my menu. Storing your sauce brings limitless dinner ideas that are quick and delicious.

Remove the glass jar in the morning to thaw, and either enjoy as is or add any protein you wish to enhance  your meal. Saute onions and Italian Sausage, minced meat, chicken, shrimps and the list goes on. 

Here is my take on a classic sauce with a few of my little ingredients!   

As tomatoes are not always in season and quite expensive I might add, to whip up a quick tomato sauce it's always best to use canned tomatoes due to the water content in fresh and obviously tomatoes not being in season...

Ingredients (for a serving of 3-4 people)
Total time approx 2 hours
If you want to can, double equally all ingredients)

1 Can Tomatoes (strained keeping the water)
3-4 Garlic cloves chopped finely
1 Onion chopped finely
1 tbsp EVOO
4-5 Cloves whole
1/2 tsp Onion powder
1 tsp Salt & Pepper
1/2 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
1 tbsp Red wine
4/5 Basil leaves
1 Bay leave

If you like it spicy, add Chili flakes or better yet, fresh chili peppers

In a nonstick pot preferably but not necessary, on high heat add EVOO, saute Onions and garlic without burning. Once onions start to be translucent, add the drained tomatoes and Cloves, Onion powder, Salt & Pepper. Stir all ingredients and once the tomatoes have evaporated, add the wine and balsamic vinegar. Mix well and add the tomato water. If you like it chunky, add less water, adding more throughout the cooking process if needed. Cover and let simmer on med-high heat for 10 minutes.

Add the Bay leaves and Basil, cover and lower the heat to med-low, let simmer for 30 minutes.If you haven't added all the water, you can adjust based on your liking, but make sure to add the leftover water you want at this point if not, the water will separate and not thicken. Lower heat to low and continue cooking covered with a slight opening to let the steam out, for another 30 minutes. Your sauce should have a nice, somewhat chunky texture with a little water. Grab a potato masher and gently mash the sauce. Cover and let stand with the heat off, semi covered approx 10 minutes. 

In the meantime you can boil your pasta. Once your pasta is done, somewhat al dente, strain and automatically toss the pasta in the sauce, add 1/2 tsp EVOO and grate Parmesan, let stand for a few minutes before serving. As your pasta is al dente, it will absorb the liquid of the sauce and merge all flavors. This technique gives your pasta that restaurant style pasta, or in my favorite part of the movie Eat Pray and Love, when Julia Roberts is eating her pasta in Italy... YUM!

Side that with a nice glass of wine and done!


T @stuffedfaces

Sunday 22 March 2015

Homemade Twisted Crispy Bacon Egg McMuffin

There is nothing that can beat a good breakfast on a Sunday morning.. To switch up the basics, this little sandwich with a twist will surely bring you much happiness. So for this Sunday morning, i'll simply introduce you to our "Homemade Twisted Crispy Bacon Egg McMuffin". Now, to have this one right, don't skip the important steps like microwaving your bacon etc.. during the week if you're in a rush that is somewhat acceptable, but on a Sunday, you should find that time. 

What you'll need
Old cheddar cheese
English Muffin
Sriracha sauce
Lettuce (Preferably arugula or mâche)

First Off BACON:

Set your oven at 395 degrees f. Using a flat cast iron frying pan preferably, or non stick fry-pan, lay your bacon flat (you can squeeze them slightly, they won't stick, but will shrink) Put in the oven on the center rack, approx 15-20 minutes. At 15 minutes, verify and you can spread them if needed before they are finished. You can then lay them flat to crisp up. Once do to your crispiness, remove and set on a plate covered with paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Remember, bacon is actually good protein and no saturated fats so don't feel guilty!

Following... EGGS

I always fry my eggs with a dash of EVOO. Make sure the oil is nice and hot, not burning, before you crack
your eggs. That way you will get a nice crispy edge with a moist egg. The impact of the heated oil also avoid sticking. In the meantime, toast you English muffins, slightly butter the bread and set aside (Since your oven is still warm from the bacon, you can put them in to keep warm if making a lot.)

When making an egg sandwich, I like to have some gooeyness but manageable... Before you flip, add a dash of salt/pepper then flip your eggs and poke the yolk. let cook for a few seconds and remove from heat. That way, you can still enjoy the goodness of the yolk without getting drenched! If you don't like any liquid yolk, cook through and remove.

Almost there...

Have everything around you, once you start assembling, it's much easier if all is cut, prepped and ready to get stacked! 

On one side of the English muffin, spread a light amount of mayonnaise and on the other, the twist... sriracha sauce... I know it sounds weird but trust me.. you will flip out how good this is! Basically I can't eat my McMuffin without it ;)

On one bread, lay your cheese, egg over it, bacon then finish with lettuce and cover with other bread. And there you have it, my ultimate favorite McMuffin.. Sure beats fast food ones!


T @stuffedfaces

Friday 20 March 2015

Charcuterie Platter.. Simple Friday

Not every day has to be completed by a cooked dinner, constantly schlepping around to feed ourselves, even if you are the biggest chef, cook or kitchen lover.. Trust me I am all of those, but there is an incredible simplicity and fulfillment of simply having a Good Charcuterie platter. After all, you have the best of all; Great cheese, amazing cold cuts, crispy bread with a side of marinated condiments with of course a great tasting wine.. So does that sound interesting? Let me guide you through this amazing experience, what we've chosen as our platter assortment and a fantastic wine I found. 

A little Story: Chris and I visited France about a year ago, my very first time and I must say.. Heaven! The life, food, elegance and fashion... What can one ask more of. As Chris was accustomed to France and knew his way around, I can say I had a fantastic tour guide... But I truly experienced the wonderful things France had to offer, thus the "Plateau de Charcuterie" comes from!

(Picture from our trip to France, sitting on the terrace enjoying our wonderful platter)

Today, we strolled around the Jean-Talon Market, we had such a great time walking around, tasting different foods available and most of all, enjoying each others' company. It definitely breaks from rushing in and out of the Grocery store!  We visited different vendors, such as; La Boucherie Capitol where we bought our amazing buttery Spanish ham Iberico bellotaLa Boucherie du Marché where we found this delicious and home made Terrine with Rabbit, prune and Calvados, Tomme du Kamouraska a wonderful full bodies yet gentle and souple cheese  with a side of their homemade assorted pickles and olives. All this to say... Delicious

Tomme du Kamouraska

 Iberico bellota

Terrine with Rabbit

Walking around we found this little bakery, right on the outskirts of the market.. The name intrigued me and I was desperate to find Good bread.. No offense to what's on the market but there isn't a vast choice of good bread out there. In France, not that I want to overshadow our wonderful town with what we don't have, but it was amazing to have a bakery at every street corner and their fresh baguette, delicious and crispy was less than 1 euro.. No wonder everyone had one under the arm walking around the big streets of Paris! Nevertheless aftermuch scratching we found Joe la Croûte... Go early cause they run out fast! 

Lastly, to pair these wonderful combination, we found this new wine, "Coin nouveauté" Torre Oria Reserva from Spain is truly amazing, and only at $11.55.... You can buy 2 and still in within budget! (at least my budget) 

So kick back you pots and pans for one night and enjoy a nice "Plateau de Charcuterie" and live the French way with your spouse, your cat or just your glass of wine. With this in hands, you are sure to be happy!

Sincerely T @stuffedfaces

Sticky Spicy Asian Pork Short Ribs

Awwww. Short Pork ribs... These little finger licking good pieces of meat bring me much happiness. There
are many ways you can make those.. quite simple and easy I might add. Whichever you decide to add to your marinade, I can assume it can't go that wrong.

So here are some basics to prep your meat, in order to get succulent and tender short ribs, alongside of of my latest concoctions, a mixture of sauces and spices I had in my pantry.

In addition, I'll explain some of those Asian necessities you should carry at home, mainly if you like Asian flavors, but surprisingly you can and should try adding those to any basic meals to add up in textures and taste. 

To start, get yourself some Short Pork ribs, I purchase mine from C&T Marché, as previously mentioned in my blog, their prices and freshness is outstanding.. And obviously you can't go wrong buying Pork fresh meat from an Asian store... after all that is crucial to their eating habits, thus freshness is an undeniable key to their success. 

Best cooking tool for those little babies is a cast iron pot, such as Creuset, the benefits of Cast iron are outstanding. From searing to retaining heat, you are sure to use and love your cast iron pots. Quite pricey, but you can find some almost everywhere, including Homesense and Amazon;

Ingredients for Pork only

Pork Spare ribs approx 2 lbs 
1 onion in quarts 
Garlic cloves peeled cut in half  
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar 
1/2 tsp crushed Pepper 
2 Large Bay leaves 

Heat pot with a drizzle of Oil (Vegetable, Corn or EVVO) on high. Rinse with water and dab your ribs with paper towel. cut in half approx 5-6" long and sprinkle salt, sugar and Pepper. Rub with your hands and carefully place flat in the pot to brown. Do not overlap as you need to sear each side. If needed sear and remove or set aside in the pot while you complete the rest of the meat. Once nicely browned on both sides, approx 2 minutes each, add onions, garlic and bay leaves. Fill pot with tap water till completely covered and let cook on Med-High heat for 15 minutes. Lower the heat to med-low and continue for approx 45 minutes. This will tenderize the meat and give it's nice meaty taste. 

Place a large strainer over a deep plate and carefully remove the ribs and place in an oven proof baking dish. (You need the meat to still be somewhat attached to the bones. If they already come apart, it will fall apart afterwards.)

In a second large bowl, preferably with spout, place another strainer with handle preferably, and pour the broth, separating the cooked onions and garlic. Set the broth aside and let cool completely. You will only need about 1 cup of the broth for the recipe. Get some clean glass jars with lids and fill to the top. Once completely cool, you can store in the fridge or freezer for further broth needs. (Cool completely before putting in the freezer, if not the glass jar can crack.)

This is a trick my grandmother gave me.. it's the best way to give an amazing taste and texture to your marinade. In a separate bowl, place the strainer with the onions over the bowl and with a wooden spoon, crush the onions, then spoon the puree from under the strainer and leave in the bowl. You can do this before or after you combine the marinade ingredients.. Once done, combine all below marinade ingredients and gently whisk. You can taste and alter as per your desire. 

Ingredients for Marinade
1/2 to 1 cup of broth (from the ribs)
1 tbs minced garlic
1 tbsp Hoisin sauce
1/2 tsp Sriracha
1/8 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Rice Vinegar
1 tsp Fish sauce
1/8 tsp Sesame oil
1/2 tsp Chili paste
1/4 ground cloves
1/2 tsp Lemon grass powder
1/2 tsp Onion powder
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp Ground Ginger
1/8 Cardamon powder (not necessary)
1 tbsp honey or corn syrup
1/4 cup ketchup


You can refrigerate and marinate overnight or start cooking straight away. The boiling has tenderized the meat already, thus it will still be extremely tender. 

Preheat oven to 425 degrees f. Remove the baking dish from the fridge and set aside at room temperature for approx 15-20 minutes. Cover the ribs with aluminum foil and insert in the oven center rack for approx 30 minutes. Turn ribs and continue cooking uncovered at 400 degrees f for approx 20-25 minutes. The sauce should thicken at this point and the bones should easily come off the meat. I tend to finish the cooking on High Broil while keeping an eye on it not too burn or dry up, to crisp up the ribs, as the sugar and sauces caramelize and give the ribs a nice texture. (obviously if it's summer, you can use your barbecue but be careful as the ribs are much smaller than back ribs and can slip through the grill) 

Remove from the oven, set aside for a few minutes before serving. I like to cut them into pieces and serve over Chow mein or Asian Shanghai noodles, if so place the ribs with tongs on a wooden board and cut through each bones.

Hope you enjoy

Sincerely T @stuffedfaces

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Banana muffins

I love buying bananas, but is it me or they ripen too quickly? So here's a nice recipe using the ripened bananas, making a nice and healthier version of muffins or bread of some sort. I replace my daughter's granola bar with this treat (remove the Granola for allergy purposes)... You can replace with Chocolate chips or dried fruits but always use the equivalent quantity or your mixture might be too dense. 


1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup rolled oats
1 tbsp flax seed
1 egg
1 cup sour cream
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4 very ripe bananas
1/2 cup walnuts chopped

Lets start:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees f.

1. In a bowl sift flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add Oats and flax seed directly and stir with a wooden spoon. Set aside

2. in a Larger bowl, gently beat egg, sour cream, vegetable oil and vanilla extract. Once well combined and a soft silky texture, add the ripe bananas and beat for a few seconds until mixed but not completely pureed. 

3. Add the dry mixture to the wet gently beating or using a wooden spoon. The mixture will get quite hard. If too dry, where you feel there is no moisture, add by 1 tbsp of sour cream until you get a solid but somewhat wet texture. Once almost done, fold in the walnuts. 

4. Line your muffin pan and spoon 3/4 of the cups with the filling. Place a walnut at the top with a sprinkle of oats and sugar to make a nice crust. 

NOTE: I always have more than 12 muffin to fill, so I use the rest of the mixture and make brownie shaped goods or bread. Butter and flour a pan you wish to use, Bread Pan or brownie square pan and pour the rest in. The cooking time is approximately the same.

5. Place all in the oven, center rack for approx 18 minutes. Insert a knife in the center of the muffin or cake and gently pull out. If only the tip is "slightly" wet, turn off the oven and let rest in the oven for 2 minutes, then remove and let cool completely. If more than tip, continue cooking and verify same method every 2 minutes. If you overcook the muffins, they will dry up quickly as there is not much oil or butter. 

NB: It is normal that the cake remains slightly moist, as the bananas remain slightly creamy, which keeps the cake tender.  

I enjoy my muffins with a side of Raspberry jam and a nice Americano.. You?

T @ Stuffedfaces

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Simple Buttery Chicken roast

One of the simplest things to make for dinner, is a juicy, roasted chicken... Without buying the ready made from the grocery. Here is a simple recipe to get a crispy, yummy and delicious Chicken Prepared and cooked in less than 2 hours! Even better, you can prepare the night before, refrigerate in its buttery marinade, ready to put in the oven once you are almost famished! 

Here are some simple tips and ingredients I always use in order to have a great and easy juicy chicken.. Remember these are my favorites but you can always alter with what you have in your fridge.. No need to constantly buy new ingredients to cook a wonderful supper, those are main ingredients you should have by your side.

Before starting, always rinse your chicken with cold water, salt and lemon. Rub the salt and lemon inside out and in the cavity then rinse with cold water. Dab with paper towel in order for your marinade to stick to your chicken and get crispy. 

Set aside and prep all your ingredients, cause once you start... you'll get filthy dirty and won't be able to grab anything around! don't forget.. the best tools are your hands so get in there!

Items to prepare:
Set oven at 425f
Deep Roster Pan no lid 
Basting brush
Garlic press 
Small saucepan for gravy
Mesh small strainer/sifter

* Total cooking time should be approx 1h15 to 1h30 set at 2 temperatures (may vary based on the size of the Chicken)

Whole Chicken approx 1.3 kg
1/4 cup butter soften at room temperature in a small bowl
6-8 cloves of garlic 
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp dry rosemary
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground pepper 

Veggies to add but can be altered: 
1 Onion in quarts 
3 Nantaise carrots preferably
4 Russet potatoes preferably 

Chicken juices from roasting pan
1/4 cup wine red preferably
1 tsp Balsamic vinegar 
1/2 tsp corn starch mixed in 50ml COLD water  
1 tsp butter 
1/3 cup any broth 

Lets get dirty:

1. Using the garlic press, crush the garlic in the butter and add all ingredients. mix with a fork or small whisk to get a nice creamy texture.

2. With your fingers, gently separate the skin from its meat without removing it. Apply the butter mixture in
the pockets rubbing everywhere. Glide your fingers in between, you will also be able to separate the skin from the drumsticks, as you want all the marinade to be inside and no only on top, that way the skin and the meat will absorb the goodness giving you a tender chicken. That is where the Magic happens. Continue rubbing the complete chicken inside and out with the mixture and place in the roasting pan. 

3. Sprinkle a dash of salt/pepper on the skin and place the Chicken in the oven, center rack and cook for approx. 25 minutes at 425 degrees f, basting with the butter once it melts, every 5 minutes.

4. After 25 min, lower the oven to 375 degrees f and continue cooking for 25 min basting a few times in order to keep the skin juicy and crispy without drying up. 

5. Once 25 min elapses, add chunks of carrots, onions and any other harder vegetable around the chicken,

sprinkle of a dash of salt and pepper on vegetables and continue cooking for 10 min, then add your potatoes, cooking for another 15-20 min checking the tenderness of the potatoes. Once cooked to your liking, remover from the oven and let Chicken rest at room temperature on a wooden cutting board or plate, covered with aluminum for approx 5 minutes.

6. With a spatula, remove all vegetables into a separate bowl, and place the mesh strainer over the saucepan to strain the chicken juices. On high heat, reduce the drippings adding the wine, vinegar and salt/pepper to taste. You can add any other spices or flavored ingredients. Sometimes I put whole cloves, bay leaf or  even a dash of fish sauce and soy, it's elevates the flavors... 

Pour in the mixed corn starch water and reduce heat to medium. once the sauce thickens, add the butter and let simmer for a few minutes. Set aside and carve your chicken. (Corn starch needs to be mixed into cold water only in order not to clump. Once mixed, it becomes a cloudy water)

NOTE: You can prepare any marinade ahead of time, coating the chicken as mentioned above... Once you get use to the technique and easy recipe, you will never buy ready-made chicken again.

Serve with a simple salad with lemon & EVOO dressing, a great glass of wine  and you are done!!!

Hope you enjoy it and keep me posted!


T @ Stuffedfaces  

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Turkey Burger madness

Is there anything better than a burger? Not to me.. well at least not that day.. or should I say all the best things are on a burger thus it makes it irresistible... This one, a little different than any other, or at least to me it is since I just looked at what I had in the fridge and put it together. Turkey, Bacon, caramelized onions and mushrooms in balsamic vinegar and maple syrup, topped with fresh avocado, Monterrey jack cheese and crispy bacon.

I didn't write down the ingredients to the tee, but it's quite simple. The best technique is finishing it in the oven on its bun. If you think about it, the ingredients just met.. You have to let them mingle so they get to assemble and make a petition in your mouth. So here's the recipe, it's off the top of my head so don't hold me accountable..

- About 1 lb minced turkey
- 1 minced garlic clove
- 1 egg
- 1 slice of white bread no crust in a bowl with approx 50ml milk. drench the bread and toss in the meat mixture. (not necessary but great for moisture)
- Salt/Pepper about 1/2 tsp
- 1/4 tsp chili flakes
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves

Mix with hands, because that's only way to cook... make large tennis balls but not too tight. leave some air if not they will be too dense.

Caramelized onions with mushrooms
- 1 Onion thin slivers
- 1 cup chopped Mushrooms in slivers
- 1 tsp butter
- 1/2 tsp EVOO
- 1/4 tsp Maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
- Salt/Pepper

In a nonstick pan, melt butter at high intensity, pour in the EVOO (prevents from burning the butter) and when it's sizzly throw in the onions (only when sizzly, if not the the oil isn't hot enough and you get soaked onions instead of sauteed). Cook for about 1 min until slightly transparent (my grandmother always added a drop of water to the onions to helps soften them and get transparent.. it works but VERY little..Then throw in the mushrooms. Once it looks absorbed, throw in the Vinegar and maple syrup. Lower heat to Minimum, sprinkle salt/pepper and cover for about 5 minutes, then remove and let stand.

Get the rest:
Get remaining ingredients.. prep to assemble at the last minute

- Avocado in thick slivers
- Kaiser buns
- Bacon (cook them but not crispy.. so they crisp up at the end)
- Monterrey jack cheese
- Mayonnaise (only condiment for me)

Get it together!!
Preheat over 400c..

In a non stick skillet, or cast iron preferably, heat on stove top dry "no oil" till starts to smoke ( a little, don't set the house on fire..). If you have a meat press, keep it handy, if not I tend to use a casserole lid (smaller than your skillet).

Put a dash of EVOO and immediately put the burger bun and gently press down while sizzling. Once all in, you can put the lid or press (make sure it covers the meat only and not the whole skillet, to prevent from "boiling the meat vs searing it".

Sear each side nicely but not overcooked, about 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove and assemble..
Start with the bottom bun, slather mayonnaise and place it on the skillet (slightly cleaned but not spick and span.. leave some of the meat taste), place meat, avocado slices, onions/mushrooms, Monterrey jack then the bacon (keep it on top... keep it crispy).

Place the assembled burgers without top bun in the oven for about 3-4 minutes.. You'll know when it's ready. Give the cheese a chance to melt. few minutes before you take it out, place the top buns in the skillet to crisp up. You can put butter or garlic butter before so, but I think we have enough calories on this one.

I think you get the rest.. Enjoy and hope you loved it!

T Stuffed Faces